Wednesday, August 20, 2008


We are sorry to interupt your regular programing at this time but HellCat's Meow is experiencing some techincal difficulties with her frecking internet company!!! Some BEACH!!!!Think happy thoughts. Happpppy thoughts.

Here are a few random updates for ya. I gave up on Brooke sleeping in the big girl bed! Yup. Completely. I was struggling with my child Sunday night and realized I was in for another long night of fighting when low and behold a light shined down in the corner of her room onto her PACK & PLAY (play pin for those who have not procreated yet) and pretty sure I heard little angels singing!! I completely forgot about this thing! Seriously it finally popped into my head at that moment that Brooke is not old enough nor ready for the big girl bed. Also I realized that I have an option! I pulled it out and began trying to remember how this contraption goes together. I struggle with these things and needless to say my nine year son is normally how everything is put together in our house. Sooo the whole time Brooke was leaning over me saying "oooo, wats that?" I was thinking "mawhahahaha!" I set it up and then victoriously enjoyed confining Brooke to bed without the ability to escape. Ten quick minutes of crying and she was out. That was it. I have been using it all week. I guess we will try the big girl bed again in a few months.

Oh here is an odd bit of useless information about me. GOOBER is my new favorite word. It is just so fun to say. Goober. Goooooober. Goo-b-ERRR! Admit it. You like the word too. You know what else is awesome about Goober is that it has different caliburs of STUPIDness that it stands for and only you know in your head how Gooberish you feel someone is being. Just another way to tell someone nicely that they are a dumb ducker!!

Ok! I hate to post and run but I admit to not having anything prepared due to my busy schedule with work and starting back school next week. Also I am cutting this short for the safety of my laptop who poor thing seems to get the brunt of my frustration when my internet signal is lost.

Ta ta and Sweet Dreams Goober ;)

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