Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Skinny Jeans Jig

How come because I am skinny I cannot complain about feeling fat? I am not saying I am fat. I am saying I feel fat today. There is a difference. I almost feel like my butt is double it's size today. I know it is it's same normal size but it feels swollen or something. I think it is because I have not seen the inside of my gym which I pay a monthly fee for since June. I think it is my butt and thighs' way of sending out a message to my brain that my body needs some maintenance. It is like a car's maintenance light. Every so often a light pops up to remind you that it needs some conditioning and you take into the shop. The mechanic dude does a few things and changes some oil. You drive off feeling like your car could drive to Mexico (close friends probably noticed I did not say Canada)!!! Same thing seems to happen with my body. I usefully try to stay active but from time to time I get too busy and make excuses of why NOT to go to the gym. I feel okay about it for a month or so.

Often I do small things like tan and wear black to hide anything that I am unhappy with. You girls seriously do not think the "little black dress" came about because it was elegant? Hell no! It came about because some smart lady figured out that the "little black dress" made her looka dress size smaller. Well eventually that wears off too and then......dum....dum.....dum.......I am sitting on the couch one night typing meaningless crap to y'all and I realize I feel my arss growing. I mean I actually feel it growing as I am sitting there. I will normally ignore it for about a week until I cannot stand it anymore. I have had about three days in a row this week of the throbbing butt syndrome. I ATE three freakins chocolate cakes squares yesterday, a ten piece pack of fullmoon sushi and four packs of M&M's. That was all while at the office. That does not include the plate of pasta I devoured that night for dinner. I even drank two sodas with caffiene!!! What the hell is wrong with me? It is almost like I am rebelling against myself and personally sabotaging my Arss!! I am totally taken advantage of the gym freedom lately. Bikini season is over for a while and instead of maintaining I have been consuming everything possible to assure I have to purchase a size bigger in jeans this winter. I have been on the verge of going up a jean size for a while. I teeter totter back and forth between the five pounds which makes you one size bigger and I know that. Oh shut up men! Some of y'all's love handles could use some self-control as well. Just because you guys basically wear your butt fat around your waist and it is able to lap over the jeans does not leave you out of this conversation. Walk to the mirror and take a look. If you have a Dick-Do then I am speaking to you as well. Yeah, a Dick-Do! It is when your gut hangs out more than your Dick-Do. That's what I thought. Keep listening as well boys. I just do not want to be stuck doing the skinny jeans jig and jean stretching lunges this winter. I spent this morning flounder around like a fish out of water trying to zip and button the jeans. Next step of course as I mentioned above it the jean stretching lunge. It is where you grab onto a door jam and squat your way through the resistance of the jeans in order to use your butt fat to stretch the jeans. This can be rather painful sometimes and the end result normally leaves you without the ability to breathe and pushing the fat up out of the jeans. You guys wonder why my lips are so big?? That is the excess fat that has shot up from my butt to my lips after the jean lunges. Who needs lip plumper? Not I!!! I guess if I was really smart I would stick that excess fat in my bust for some extra PLUMP ;)~ No complaints there. I mean really. I wish I came on here one day and complained about eating my way to a D cup. I wish that every piece of chocolate cake I ate would go straight to my boobs instead of my arss. Seems like a fair trade. I can guarantee that quite a few ladies and gentlement are agreeing with that right now. Think of the savings in plastic surgery. Save $6k on a rack job and spend it on twinkies! Everyone loves twinkies! Yeah, NOPE! Guess that means the treadmill is calling. >:( There is really something I dislike about the idea of running in place. I feel like I do enough of that in my daily life anyways. Is it bad when I look at my ten year old daughter eating whatever she wants and walking around with not an inch of fat on her body and think to myself "Bitch!". Ok ok! I am kidding. Geez! Seriously. Or am I????? Anyhow, hope I do not have to pee today. Not sure I am coming out of these jeans anytime soon. Should have probably ran a catheter before I left out of the house. Ugggggggg!


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